Blue Bearded Dragon: Detailed Information, Facts, Costs & Care

Prepare to embark on a captivating journey into the realm of exotic reptiles as we delve deep into the enigmatic world of the Blue Bearded Dragon. This fascinating creature, with its mystifying appearance and bewitching allure, has captivated the minds of researchers and nature enthusiasts alike. With its unique coloration and intricate behavioral patterns, the Blue Bearded Dragon stands as a testament to the mesmerizing diversity found in the animal kingdom. Join us as we unravel the secrets of this remarkable reptile, shedding light on its origin, characteristics, and intriguing behavioral quirks.


Interesting Facts & Origin Of The Blue Bearded Dragon

Origin and Habitat:

Emerging from the distant corners of Australia’s arid landscapes, the Blue Bearded Dragon commands attention with its ethereal presence. Its striking blue hue, resembling the depths of a sapphire sea, harmonizes effortlessly with the rugged, ochre terrain, making it an expert in the art of camouflage.

Blue bearded Dragon

Image Credit - DeviantArt

Characteristics and Appearance:

Diving deeper into the features of the Blue Bearded Dragon, we encounter a marvel of nature’s ingenuity. Its robust body, covered in intricate scales resembling an ancient mosaic, serves as armor against the harsh realities of its environment. The crowning glory of this mesmerizing reptile is undoubtedly its enchanting blue beard, a vibrant manifestation of its identity. The azure beard, adorning its throat like a regal adornment, signifies dominance and vitality, capturing the attention of potential mates and rival contenders.

Behavioral Quirks and Social Dynamics:

The Blue Bearded Dragon, despite its stoic demeanor, hides a wealth of intriguing behavioral quirks beneath its majestic exterior. A master of adaptation, this reptilian marvel possesses the ability to regulate its body temperature through basking in the scorching sun or retreating to the cool shade. Furthermore, its burst of energy during hunting escapades is a sight to behold. With astonishing precision, it utilizes its acute vision to spot unsuspecting prey and employs its lightning-fast tongue to capture its quarry with lightning speed.

In the realm of social dynamics, the Blue Bearded Dragon dances to the beat of its own drum. Solitary by nature, it embraces the essence of independence, though brief encounters with fellow dragons during breeding season can ignite a spark of companionship. It is during these moments that the true magic of the Blue Bearded Dragon’s burstiness unfolds, as it engages in complex courtship rituals, showcasing a symphony of head bobs, tail flicks, and graceful postures to woo potential mates.

How much do blue bearded dragons cost?

Let’s begin by unraveling the enigmatic realm of bearded dragon prices. The cost of a blue or translucent bearded dragon typically ranges from $100 to $450, but it can vary depending on factors such as location, taxes, and the individual seller. Conversely, the price of a common bearded dragon, with its brown or tan hue, starts at approximately $40, making it a more budget-friendly option.

However, for those seeking more exquisite and diverse color morphs, a kaleidoscope of options awaits. Red, orange, leatherback, and hypomelanistic bearded dragons tantalize enthusiasts, with prices spanning the range of $50 to $900. Yet, the crown jewel among them is the Zero morph, an ethereal creature resembling snow white or pure white, which commands a princely sum of around $900.

Note: Please not we are not breeders or sellers, these price mentions are collected from google. This post is for informational and educational purpose only.

Where Can I Get a Blue-Barred Bearded Dragon?

Pet Store: As seekers of blue-barred dragons, the rarest of the breed, one must tread a challenging path. Fortunately, destinations offering glimpses of hope do exist. Chain pet stores occasionally receive shipments of these elusive creatures, housed in tanks labeled as “fancy.” However, it is important to approach these establishments with caution, as the “fancy” label often translates to a higher price tag without necessarily providing valuable information about the dragon’s genetics. Purchasing a blue-barred dragon from a pet store can typically range from $50 to $100, but be prepared to address potential health concerns since these dragons are often kept together and may require prompt veterinary attention.

It is worth noting that pet stores usually do not carry silk-back bearded dragons and rarely offer leatherbacks. If your heart yearns for a specific scale morph, it is advisable to explore alternative avenues.

Breeders: One such avenue leads to reputable breeders, known for their meticulous breeding practices and focus on genetics. Acquiring a bearded dragon from a reputable breeder ensures not only a safer option but also the opportunity to witness the lineage and appearance of the dragon’s parents and siblings. Moreover, dragons obtained from breeders are typically better cared for compared to those destined for pet stores. Additionally, breeders often present a diverse array of color and scale morphs, allowing enthusiasts to find their desired blue bars, among other preferences. In some cases, breeders may withhold marketing their bearded dragons until they can ascertain their sex, granting potential owners the ability to choose the gender they desire.

Unscrupulous individuals, known as “backyard breeders,” prioritize profit over the creation of healthy dragons with unique genetic traits. These breeders often disregard genetic compatibility and breed dragons haphazardly, leading to offspring with severe genetic defects.

To identify a reputable breeder, a few key considerations come into play. Checking reviews is crucial, ensuring they are genuine and not robotic or contrived. Negative reviews serve as a red flag, urging caution. Examining photos can also offer valuable insights; backyard breeders may manipulate images to present dragons in unrealistic shades of blue, purple, or green. Repeated or suspiciously similar photos warrant skepticism. Another vital aspect involves scrutinizing the listing and, if necessary, requesting information on the dragon’s genetics and visual proof of the parents.

How to take care of a Blue Bearded Dragon?

Blue bearded dragons, with their gentle nature and low maintenance requirements, are ideal companions for novice pet owners. However, providing proper care for these remarkable creatures entails considerations such as habitat, nutrition, and healthcare, ensuring their well-being throughout their lifespan, which can extend up to 10 to 15 years.

  • A spacious tank measuring at least 4 feet x 2 feet x 2 feet is recommended for blue bearded dragons.
  • The tank should include features like grass beds and climbing structures to mimic their natural environment.
  • Substrate options such as tiles, slate, or paper are preferable, while sand is not recommended for young dragons due to ingestion risks.
  • Position the tank in an area where the lizard can receive adequate sunlight without overheating.
  • Keep temperature’s during the day between 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime bring down the temperatures 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • When basking in sunlight, the temperature should range from 88 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit to maintain the lizard’s body temperature.
  • Regular observation is essential, as reptiles cannot communicate their discomfort or specific ailments.
  • Monitor behavior, appetite, and physical condition for any abnormalities or signs of illness.
  • Seek regular veterinary check-ups and consult professionals experienced in reptile care for guidance.


  • Adult blue bearded dragons prefer a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, supplemented with protein from gut-loaded insects.
  • Juvenile dragons require a more protein-oriented diet, balancing protein and vegetable intake.
  • Gradually shift the diet of mature dragons towards increased vegetable consumption and reduced protein.


By providing a spacious and supportive habitat, a balanced diet, and proper healthcare, you can ensure a fulfilling and prolonged friendship with blue bearded dragon. Remember to observe their well-being closely to maintain their health and happiness.


Understanding the Behavior of Bearded Dragons

Before we delve into the topic of shedding it’s important to have an understanding of the behavior exhibited by dragons. By familiarizing ourselves with their behavior patterns we can easily identify any changes or abnormalities that may occur during their shedding process. Bearded dragons are known for being friendly creatures. They are active, during the day and rest at night following a pattern. By observing their behavior we can pick up on any signs of discomfort. Stress that might affect their shedding.

Bearded dragons display behaviors such as basking under a heat source exploring their habitat, eating, drinking and occasionally engaging in head bobbing as a means of communication. It is crucial to create an environment that resembles their habitat and provides temperatures and hiding spots where they can seek refuge when needed. This way we ensure they have an stress free environment that promotes a shedding cycle.

Blue bearded dragon
Blue bearded dragon

The Shedding Process in Bearded Dragons

Shedding is a process, for dragons as it allows them to grow new and healthy skin.
As bearded dragons grow their old skin starts to feel tight and restrictive. Shedding is a process that allows them to get rid of the skin and reveal fresh vibrant skin underneath. The shedding process usually begins with changes, in their appearance and behavior.

You will typically observe a change in color as their skin may appear dull and grayish. They might also become less active. Spend time in their hiding spots. Eventually you’ll notice small cracks developing on their skin, which indicate the start of shedding. It’s important, at this stage to maintain humidity levels in their enclosure to facilitate the shedding process. If the air is too dry it can cause the shed to get stuck and lead to complications.

During shedding bearded dragons may show increased scratching, rubbing against objects or even rolling around inside their enclosure. These actions help loosen the skin and speed up the shedding process. It’s crucial not to intervene by trying to remove the skin yourself as this can result in injury and stress for your dragon.
Instead focus on maintaining the conditions, in their habitat and ensuring they have lighting.

The importance of lighting for Bearded Dragons

Lighting plays a role in the overall health and well being of Bearded Dragons. Both heat and ultraviolet (UV) lighting are elements that simulate their environment. Heat lamps provide the warmth for digestion, metabolism and basking while UVB lighting enables the synthesis of vitamin D3, which helps with calcium absorption.

When choosing lighting for your Bearded Dragons enclosure it’s important to consider their needs. Make sure to provide a combination of a basking light and a UVB light. Basking lights emit heat that allows your Bearded Dragon to regulate its body temperature. On the hand UVB lights ensure they receive the UV radiation, for proper growth and overall well being.

Ensure that the basking light is positioned at one end of the enclosure, creating a temperature gradient. This allows your bearded dragon to move freely between warmer and cooler areas, mimicking their natural behavior in the wild. UVB lights should be replaced every six to twelve months, even if they still appear to be functioning, as the UV radiation diminishes over time.

Tips for Mastering Bearded Dragon Shedding

To ensure a successful shedding process for your bearded dragon, consider the following tips:

1. Maintain appropriate humidity levels within their enclosure to prevent skin from becoming dry and stuck during shedding.
2. Provide a shallow pool of water for your bearded dragon to soak in, as it can help loosen the shed.
3. Avoid handling your bearded dragon excessively during shedding, as this can cause unnecessary stress and potential damage to their delicate skin.
4. Offer a variety of substrates, such as reptile carpet or paper towels, to minimize the risk of ingesting loose substrate during shedding.
5. Regularly inspect your bearded dragon’s shed skin to ensure it comes off in one piece. Incomplete sheds can lead to skin infections and other complications.
6. Monitor their overall health and behavior closely during the shedding process. Any drastic changes should be promptly addressed by a reptile veterinarian.


Final Thoughts

The realm of fully blue and brilliantly blue bearded dragons, alas, remains a figment of imagination. The notion of an immaculately blue specimen, spanning its entire being, is merely an illusion crafted by lighting tricks, photographic manipulation, and other deceiving factors. Occasionally, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of a white dragon adorned with a subtle hint of blue, yet this enchanting hue typically fades away as they progress into adulthood. However, do not despair, for there exists a captivating alternative—the blue-barred bearded dragon, adorned with mesmerizing patterns of azure upon their dorsal canvas.

The emergence of blue bars on the backs of bearded dragons is intricately linked to the presence of specific genetic traits. It is an enthralling sight that can swiftly ignite excitement within the hearts of dragon enthusiasts. Nevertheless, exercise caution and prudence when embarking on the quest to find your ideal azure companion. The allure of the blue can be alluringly captivating, but a discerning eye and careful consideration are paramount in selecting the perfect specimen tailored to your desires.

Embrace the wonders of the bearded dragon realm, where the allure of blue enchants the senses and the pursuit of a dragon with unique qualities becomes an exhilarating endeavor. Let your discerning eye guide you on this quest for a remarkable companion, one that encapsulates the enchanting essence of the blue-barred bearded dragon.


Also check out: – Red Bearded Dragon

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